PSSG Membership

How to Become a Member

Each prospective member must:

  1. Obtain the recommendation of at least one existing member in good standing.
  2. Demonstrate research interest specific to spine disorders in the growing child, either through publications, patient population, or other.

Member Participation Requirements

In general, participation in the group requires:

  1. Site IRB approval for the Pediatric Spine Registry
  2. Foundation agreement - The Registry Participation Agreement addresses data use, ownership, and registry responsibilities for both the Pediatric Spine Foundation and your institution.
  3. Data collection support - While this isn't required, we've found it is critical to a site's ability to participate as we have quite a few active retrospective and prospective studies.
  4. Dues - All PSSG members are required to pay a $500 due annually. This will not be charged until September of each year.

Please contact Regina Woon at if you are interested in joining PSSG and we will send you the study documents and agreement template for your IRB/institution.

Member Benefits

Join Research interest Groups (RIGS): These are small teams of study group members with similar interests. RIGs meet throughout the year and discuss ongoing and new project ideas. There are currently 13 RIGs:

  • Quality, safety, and value
  • Functional Outcomes
  • Growth Imaging
  • Non-operative care
  • Changing EOS practice
  • Spondy/Lower Back Pain
  • Neurogenic
  • Growth Modulation
  • Neuromuscular
  • C-spine
  • Congenital, syndromic
  • Complications
  • Graduates
  • Etiology
  • Enabling Technology

Submit project proposals

  • All proposals undergo a preliminary review for overlap with other existing projects, feasibility, and estimate of work required to complete. Projects are then reviewed by the Research Council who recommendapproval and suggestions for improvement, or rejection.
  • Requirements to submit a 1p3: Members must have a 3 star minimum site score. There will be a 24 month trial period for members from new sites or who have recently moved where they will be able to submit proposals but after the trial period, they will need to have a 3 star minimum to submit proposals.

Membership Categories

There are 6 categories of Study Group membership. Membership is reviewed on an annual basis and movement between categories is possible. All members are required to pay dues to maintain their membership status.

  1. Principal Researcher: Members who contribute substantially to research as PI on an active study and/or lead a Research Interest Group, contribute a minimum of 4 patients/year to the registry, and maintain a 3-star data quality score are considered Principal Researchers. Principal Researchers can also be those who bring unique expertise to the group (i.e. pulmonary, infection, leadership, etc.). Principal Research members are invited to the Annual Research Factory.
  2. Principal Contributor: Members who contribute a minimum of 4 patients/year and maintain a 3-star data quality score, but do not lead research are considered Principal Contributors.
  3. Active: Members who contribute to either the registry or research on a consistent basis. Active members may be partners of Principal members. Active members do not meet the thresholds set for Principal Researcher or Contributor.
  4. General: Members who do not contribute to research or the registry on a consistent basis. General members will be invited to open research and educational meetings hosted by the Study Group.
  5. Candidate: New investigators with interest in becoming study group members are encouraged. To become a Candidate member, investigator must be nominated by 1 Principal member, be a partner of an existing member in good standing, or provide evidence of interest in the area of EOS, such as participation in associated societies or presentation/publication in EOS. Following IRB approval, new members will begin a trial period of 24 months. During this time, they must demonstrate the ability to contribute a minimum of 4 patients/year and obtain a 3-star data quality score. They may be invited to the Research Factory during this trial period, depending on level of research and registry involvement.
  6. Emeritus: Senior Principal members may move to Emeritus status upon decline of registry and research participation (can hold office and conduct research).